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hei! this is chindi`s blog,leave some comment on my post and i will reply it soon, Love me♡

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014


so, hei guys long time no post something here, dont blame me because i rarely check my blog, but please blame someone that ruin my life all along day, no not just a day but a year and blame the whether, indonesia is really cold right now, and always rainy all along day, do you know what im thinking about when it comes to rain ? i really think that it would be nice if i spend the rest of my day just to reading some books and drink a hot chocolate in a sofa that full of pillow or a doll during the rainy day... but do you know ? the only one that can beat the feeling of drinking a hot chocolate and reading books its definetely his hug.

but..sometimes, the one that you love most is the one who hurt you most is the one that making you smile all day is the same person with the one that make you cry all night. i know what it feels like to be the one of girl that trying to moving on even if we really dont want to, because you know that its really hurt to see the one that you love most,love someone else.... to be honest, i really dont know about his new life (because we havent seen each other in a year) and i really dont have any idea that maybe he likes someone else or he still loves me and wants me. but in that case what i mean by i know how is feeling to love someone who loves someone else is, i just imagine that something like that can really happen. everything happen for a reason,right ?

so just enjoy every lil things on your life, you know that you only live once, but you can love as much as you want. i know that its really hurt to me to letting him go, because when i really want to forget him, then he comes to my life. and when i get my hope high, he throw it away. life is not a fairy tale. there is no prince charming who rides a horse to pick up his princes. life is always about a choice. you choose to be bad, you choose to dont care.to be good or anything.. it depends on you.

i really dont have any idea why i tell my story here. i just cant tell my friend about this, so i just want to share here...


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